Sunday, May 04, 2008

The Project Superstar Cycle 3 Finale just now was a blast! I didn't go there physically of course, we have TV for that. And 8TV was broadcasting it live anyway, all the way from Stadium Melawati, Shah Alam!

This cycle's Final Champion is Kay 郭晓薇!!! Woot!! She performed really well tonight (or rather er, yesterday night). I didn't expect her to be able to do it so well! I guess she appeared rather like an underdog through out the whole competition; that's why I was shocked when she wemerged as the Female Champion. Well done girl!

I was rooting for Kay anyway, but I have to admit that Hau 徐仕豪 did very well too! He has an impressive voice; and that's probably the only reason that got him this far. Albeit the impressive vocal, his appearance is just so-so; in contrast with the cutey lovey kawaii Kay who presented herself really well that night, Hau lost.

Yea, but like what the judges, contestants, emcees, guest artists said; what these 24 finalists of Project Superstar obtained are the friendship and invaluable experience! I mean what are the odds of 24 random people coming together, living under one roof, doing almost everything together? And they really had fun man! So the position of Final Champion doesn't really matter, it's the experience and exposure they cannot get elsewhere that matter!

That said, today's yesterday's Finale we witnessed guest appearance by 光良, yesh, none other than the harta negara (国宝) Michael Wong! I think he's worked out a lot recently, I don't remember him being so physically fit! I've always have his this, sweet, the guy-next-door kinda image; but suddenly he has got broad shoulders and er NO tummy at all. I'm telling you, NO tummy, it's like this ____ flat (vertically duh). And I presume half of the audience there present because of him haha! They even have those blink blink neon lights (or whatever light) boards ler! Almost like a concert, heh!

In addition, we have performances from past cycles' Project Superstar. Two couples: John + Desiree and Henley + Orange.
The song duet by John + Desiree was awesomest! And I supported Desiree last time, I still think she is very the awesome now!! Very great performance, very nice ^-^

Then Henley + Orange, they duet for an English song, if I'm not mistaken, it's the song from Music and Lyrics. Henley's English background really showed in this song, his pronunciation was precise and he sounded really nice; Orange on the other hand, is rather "Chinesey", nevertheless good effort! And oh, I saw her at Monsoon ID the other day when I was there for my haircut. She was getting her hair done there LoL. I was too shy to talk to her though. Furthermore, what can I say?

Aww, there you go, this year's Project Superstar.
Can't wait for more.

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