Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Miracle, it is

Another recent favorite, it's not a very new song though. Chanced upon this song on YouTube and liked it immediately. Very much :3 I do find the lyrics not very profound, much like most mandarin pop songs; it was after all written by G.E.M. when she was mere 20! So talented!

The song title is "miracle", I want my miracle tooooo hehe!

I've come to realize that this space is for me, as in, it's for me to come back once in a while and look back what have happened, the things that I chose to pen down at that point of time. Take the last post for example, I actually don't remember taking MC in January this year hahaha! Took a couple more last month, I'm on a MC-collecting-spree yay!

Really getting used to "just Boon" now, I very much appreciate all the friends who used to call me Boon Woei. I'm both Boon and Boon Woei. I changed this blog to "It's a Boon" cause in English language, a boon could mean a blessing; I want my presence and existence to be a blessing~

A Boon signing off. Penned this at 1940 local LHR time.

p/s: back soon?

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