Tuesday, May 12, 2015


That should just be the title of all my posts from now on, if I ever continue posting haha! Took me all this while to realize that, the very reason I blogged was for myself, is for myself and will always be this way. So interesting to look back, looking back at the behind the scene. Things I wished I've done differently, things I wished I've done more; mostly the latter though. I almost never regret about my actions and decisions, kinda just do what felt right to not regret later.

Having been in the "real world", I mean the working world, or rather the adult world for close to 5 years, I still strongly believe that everything happens for a reason, albeit it happening not according to my liking or will. Nonetheless, I do think it's for a better and bigger cause.

The more I live life, the more I learn about myself and people and things around me. I've always wanted to be good at everything, only ended up in me being good at nothing. I am not many kinds of person, I am the kind of person I am.

Also learned that I am not a good writer nor a good speaker, but I do like to pen things down once in a while and I absolutely love to talk things out with humans. Writing or rather penning things down, as writing would suggest a certain level of professionalism is needed, displays and expresses thoughts in an orderly fashion. For instance, the next word cannot be read until the word in front is read. Whereas for speech, or simply put talking, what comes together is the tone, volume, emphasis on certain words; all these would make a spoken conversation much more meaningful than a written one.

That said, what I meant to convey is that I prefer talking to humans than texting. After all, as much as the words are meant to be interpreted in the writer's mind, it will somehow or definitely be interpreted differently in the reader's mind.

Thought of the day, I don't like to feel lousy. Then again, who does. I now believe being happy is a choice, just that as most things said, it's easier said than done; and harder to execute this choice on certain days. Certain especially lousy days, alas vicious cycle indeed!