Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I don't wanna sleep..

It's been a week since my last post, yet my thesis' progress is still.. eh wait, there isn't even a progress. So yea, NO progress for the big project -__-

No, I am not trying to break my own record for last minute assignmenting.. Doing a huge project like thesis research proposal (well, technically it's half a thesis considering there are 1 and 2) is suicidal. In the past few weeks (maybe even months), I kept repeating to myself that I'll start soon, maybe tomorrow.. And tomorrow comes and goes, and there are more tomorrows. I now officially have less than 10 tomorrows for The Thesis 1.

I think I'm taking my major very lightly and in that, I think I'm taking my future very lightly.

And oh, the title is there just because I literally don't wanna sleep. I always wished to have the full 24 hours in a day, as in awake.. without having a need to sleep. Though I don't actually do much nowadays; nonetheless the thought came up back in the days when I was still a religious gamer. Grinding 24 hours was awesome lifeless.
Meh, that aside; now the thought of having 24 hours is purely for me to do nothing, yesh, 24 hours of absolute nothingness.

Eh, I just got an idea, I should start a business in which people actually pay me for doing nothing. Cool eh? Like a Stoning Club or something (totally irrelevant to stones, rocks, pebbles and what-have-you), it's a club where the members stone.. like stare blank.. like do nothing.. stoning~
I can already imagine how my store looks like; it's a store where people come in and pay money and just do nothing..

Ah never mind, I got carried away by my own ridiculousness -__-
I guess I do need to sleep after all, good night!

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