The previous entry is a result of having too much time in hand. LoL.
Anyways, when I sit in front of the computer; I am really unproductive. Heh.
So, in a way, it's very hard for my mom to think that I am actually doing my work. Heh.
As for my brother, I am jealous envy him cause he found a job in a Thai restaurant at 1U.
I remembered back when I had a two-month'ish holidays, I just sat at home and rot *-*
So.. I should be proud that I have such a hardworking bro right?
Just don't dump all shits at home and assume that I have plenty of time to clean up them shits!
+ I'm selfish. I only clean up my own shits!!
I do have plenty of time. That is why, one way or another, I have to get started on my work.. er next week? (^-^)
Now people still in the Raya mood lar! Come on!
Speaking of happy stuff, I have Ninja Jones! Hai desu!
I mean I ate there with a few friends to kinda celebrate Mandy's Bday.
Pictures of some foods:
Sharon had this RM60'ish bento set.. and she kinda finished the whole thing.
Cool ler. But I didn't snap any pics. I'm expecting her to post it up soon at her "space".
That's all I guess. Before I sign off, here is Ai Li's adorable puppy-case:
Haven't been blog-reading for a longgg time. Congrats for being upgraded from ducking to fucking.
By the way, cheer up mate. :)
cheer up Boon Woei!!!
to be frank, I hv downgrade fucking to ducking bcoz of u...haih...see ya!!! :D
YOU wanna DIE kah kawan?!
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