Friday, November 30, 2007

Fellow friends, pals, dudes and dudettes; thank you very much!

Haven't I told you that I'm glad to know everyone of you. If not, I'll tell you now. I'm glad to know every single one of you! Really!
I mean there are times when everyone needs to be alone and all that, but friends are what we need when we're not in the "alone-ness" times. Scrap that, I don't know what I'm typing LoL

I'm just happy to have friends like you people lar. Period.

*sheds a tear*

*wipes off..*

Heh! Just a brief update before my hectic weekend begins.
Havoc indeed!

- MC100 Finals tomorrow..
- AN101 Finals on Monday + PSY103 Lab Report..

... Kononnya study break before Psych papers the following week...

- PSY103 Finals next next Monday (so far.. yet so close T_T)
- PSY106 Finals on that week's Wednesday..

THEN, I can breath, play, eat, drink, sleep.. freely for about 2 weeks.. WOW, such a looong fantabulous semester break.

And come to think of it, these 2 weeks will probably be the weeks when I move house lar, paint my beloved room lar <- I really mean it by MY beloved room~!

Ooh, so many things stack up liao~ As for now, I'll probably study MC100.. and rush like hell tomorrow for the Lab Report. Probably...

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

This is going to be a short emo update, also known as SEU (pronounced as siew).

Ok, to those who have been checking my blog (I always wonder if there is still anyone who does LoL, nvm about that~) or to those who have been talking to me (thank god, there are still people who talk to me..); would know that I'm moving like
SOON and that I seriously, desperately need a car? If not, I would be pretty much stuck in that beloved apartment in Kepong starting next January. Meh~

And and.. my mom said she's going to get me a car and stuff like that. I have been really worried that all these (buying house, cars, etc..) are a huge burden to her..
BUT but.. to my surprise, she has been expecting me to takeover all these craps when I'm done with my Degree! I mean I kinda understand that it's part of my responsibility as a son.. but but.. but *speechless*

Seriously!! Okay, allow me to elaborate further.

I asked my mom (in Mandarin): "Are you really getting a car for me next year? What car you wanna get wor? New or 2nd hand de?"
I mean seriously, she's got loads of stuff to carry on her shoulders.. and I have to admit that my dad isn't of much help (as of now...)
This was how she replied me, gosh~
My mom said (in Mandarin), I quote: "Yea, when you come out two years later, you'll be paying for the car AND the house ma~"

I kinda paraphrased it already, but the rough idea is still there. I mean, I am selfish lar, I want my own house and everything ok.. and she bought that friend of hers punya house without consulting the family ler! And she actually expected her sons (my poor bro too T_T) to take on the burden for like the next 10 years right after we're done with our tertiary studies.. before setting our own families!!

Getting a job is a problem already ler!!! OMG! OMG!

On a side note, we're kinda "moving" to the Kepong apartment NEXT Sunday; you see no wrong, it's right before my Psych finals! OMG! She said kinda have to move in the altar and stuff first; apparently, that day is a "good" day~ But we still can stay in the rented house first.. I'm a bit speechless. All this planning without notifying the family who are supposedly moving in with her. Hello?

I have absolutely no idea how is she going to cram the minor renovation and stuff in. OMG. Oh my god! I don't even know if I'm ready or not, to be there to support her. Oh my gord!

LoL, this post ended up being not that short. Heh. It's still emo nevertheless~ Initially, I wanted to use RED colour to emphasize my emo-ness; but I guess this light pinkish-reddish colour would do the job. Sigh.


Thursday, November 22, 2007

Aiya, very lazy to blog la LoL. Don't know why nowadays so lazy, and I still have this one last lab report before my finals! But still, I wanna post this entry because of MC100 presentation and a friend's birthday hehe.

The 5-minute presentation went pretty well, better than expected in fact. Everyone was really good as usual, I was really happy that I can keep up to the standard..

As for this birthday I'm talking about, it was actually on Tuesday LoL. Although it was a bit rushy, but it was really fun to see them friends again ^-^

Krishna's Nana's birthday at Italiannies, very nice to see her and Weiling again! It must have been months since I last saw Nana!

This is the merajuk'ing birthday girl lady~ Heh~

Aww, the classic post. Nana and THE Weiling~

Last but not least, we have The Nana and The New York Cheesecake~ Lovely!

Friends forever ya people!!!

p/s: Note the posting time? I use my superb powers as a Blogger to manipulate it to 11.20 Muahahahaha~ Erm, if you don't get it.. it's November 20th O_O

Monday, November 19, 2007


My individual presentation is coming soon ler! In approximately 20 hours! Days Hours of Doom!

I kept on telling myself that it's just a
mere 5 minutes presentation, it shouldn't be that hard right? I mean I can make do with 4 minutes+
I guess those in the previous sessions were really good, to be honest, they were great! So much pressure, just to keep up to the expectation of the lecturer; which is obviously increasing, thus expecting better presentations too!!

And the fact that I am presenting
LAST in tomorrow's session is not helping at all~ Means before me, there will be like 10 presenters or something O_O
Panicking liao...!!! OMGBBQSAUCE..

All the best ya @_@ to me...

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Yay! I finally got myself a chatterbox-thinge! ^-^

I know I'm a bit slow at stuff like this, just bear with me lar~
Not computer/IT savvy ma!

So please please feel free to leave a comment in the shoutbox on the right..
or.. or just simply crap a bit la! I mean there is absolutely no reason to not type some shietz and click "SHOUT!"

That said and done, I shall now go lepak around, watch some anime and be completely unproductive for the weekend >_>

Oh, maybe I'll just prepare my 5-minute presentation lar~
I just have to la despite the great job done by the presenters in previous sessions. Heh! Gam-ba-teh!

Friday, November 16, 2007

I shall not mention about me being fat anymore. I mean me being fat is the least concern I have now. Not to mention that I'm not really fat, so yar, I shall stop saying that I'm very fat.


Okay~ I do have this one-lump-thinge underneath those clothes, I mean I'm not asking for 6packs or 8packs; so as long they don't go like lump together?

Went to ate dim sum with few primary classmates yesterday, it was all okay and I guess we're not really "connected" cause too long never meet liao.

Nevertheless, it's still refreshing to see them once in a while. Just wish that more could turn up. But hey, it has been at least 5 years since primary school ok LoL
Guess it'd be a bit awkward if like a lot of us meeting together and not talk. Heh!

Oh, went through another session of presentation today.

OMG! My class punya people are damn good weh!
So convincing, so much confidence, so so gooood...
Maybe it's time to reflect on my life and think what I truly want in my life. So deep. Guess most of the time I'm too ignorant to think about things, even it's about my own life. Meh~

On a random note, I DROVE to Uni today. I was like OMGWTFBBQ all the way. Cause if you know me, I consider myself as having fear of moving cars.. and to actually drive from my house to Uni requires
loads of courage from me!
Baby step only lar! When I move to Kepong like next month, I'll probably have to start driving everyday? Sigh.

And my mother was like repeatedly stressing my bro and I should pack our stuff now and like shift to
Kepong next month, in the 10s!
XD next month punya rental also have to pay la...
Then I have my finals coming up, ending in the 10s too...
Not to mention those minor renovations, paintings...
Guess there's less work to do compare to a new house.. it's a 2nd hand apartment btw.

It's my mom's friend's, and apparently, my mom likes there a lot. She claims that the feng shui is good? And it's nice. It comes fully-furnished too; hence, the lesser work mentioned earlier.
And this friend of my mom's, is very very reluctant to sell it off to other ppl.. cause apparently, she likes that apartment A LOT too.
So instead of selling it to some strangers, she decided to sell it to my mom!
And ta-da~ I'll be moving to Kepong next month..

A part of me is very reluctant to move to.. soo farr..
A part of me is kinda like rejoicing cause finally.. finally have a permanent residence!
and and get to paint my own room and er decorate it?

This entry is a mess, but who cares? Just thought of like reporting stuff in a very reportish
style? Lol, reportish.

Good luck to Ai Li who will be sailing to er.. multiple places from tomorrow onwards. Not like she'll see it but I just wanna add on that when I said Typical Malaysian girl hor, I'm referring to your blog lar!
Not something bad, really. Like Michael Ah Horny hehe.


Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Sigh. I'm sick *-* Like sick *-* Since Sunday already like that, I'm feeling better now though. Sunday I was like really sick, need to go see the doctor somemore LoL.

What la you people, Ah Horny, I know I'm a dude la, I just like to play along with that Typical Malaysian girl only ma. Muahahahaha ^-^

And usually people sick hor, they lose some pounds one... but hor, I sick, I feel like I gained weight ler! Seriously!
I think I'm really getting fatter already T_T The oh-so-visible spare tyre, sigh O-O

On a side note, I'm telling you, yesterday's MC100 individual presentation was.. terrifying!
Ohmeegord, the presenters were like really really good! Really good. Somemore they were like in the first session of presentation, and yet they already set the bar SOOO high~

I have zero confidence to present next Tuesday la! I wasn't even sure if that career is what I truly wanted, how to convince people that I actually want it? Sigh.

On a random note, I am still a cacated driver. Damn, I still drive like a noob la! In fact, I am a noob!!! Sigh.

Sigh. I've been sighing a lot lately.
Aiya, better go prepare for class later la =_=''

*waves* Byebye!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Yvaine the Star goes: "What do stars do?"

A weird stare from Tristan? (he was like wtf? or was he like smiling?)

Yvaine was like: "SHINE!!!" (omgwtfbbq!!)
Then she was like SHINE SHINE BLING BLING BLING and killed the witch. Totally godly.

Okay, STARDUST was a great watch. Another 3000% worth my 6bucks punya movie (with The Simpsons Movie too). Hehe, the privilege of being a student!
I wasn't expecting much from Stardust to be frank. In fact, I thought it would be pretty lame, like Bridge to Terabithia which was retardedly boring =_=''
Nevertheless, I was curious to see.. you know, how good this Stardust can be.

Seriously, after watching it, it was very the nice XD Awesomest~

The story, how wonderfully it was er.. plotted? The characters, great casts and everything lar.

I can't possibly stress how good it was. WATCH it for goodness sake!!

Thank you friends for watching it together!

I actually wanted to like, talk type more about the movie Stardust, but if I continue.. I'll literally type out the whole storyline or something. Heh ^-^

On a random note, I think I've gotten fatter already. Damn you people T_T I know guys shouldn't be so conscious about their weight, but, but.. it's not good to be infected with obeseness right?
I'm really sad one you know T_T Stupid fats!! Stupid! Stupid!
How ler har? I always thought that I'm not fat, you know, just like not fit lar~

Sigh, hope that things fats will be taken care of when there is like a significant change in mylife happening in mid-December (p<0.05).

Stay tuned, folks (were there any to begin with? I'll consider getting one of those ad-filled cbox lar *-*)

Thursday, November 01, 2007


请不要再让我有此感受, 好吗?
