Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Haven't updated in a while. Hmm. Redang was fun, really. I rephrase my sentence, Redang was really fun!!! It doesn't sound the same right?

The sea is nice, lesser salt would be perfect. Now you know why nothing is perfect heh! The beach was breath-taking as well. And ohmeegord, the sand; very the fine... nice. The scene itself is worth the money already, and I guess the environment there worth every penny spent! No joke! I could just sit there and stare at the horizon; the endless sea is so cool! The wide blue sky too.

OMGWTFBBQ - some random shout!

Anyways, I believe a picture speaks a thousand words; unfortunately I have no pictures to display! Stupid me! Well, one thing was I was sick on the day of departure itself; so I kinda like have no mood to snap every single thing that amazed me. In fact, I didn't take any picture; seriously lame ler.

Nevermind about that, the pictures we paid RM5 each will soon arrive? Gord, these people really know how to earn money haha. RM5 per picture ler?!! But some shots are worth it la; I'm like contradicting myself all over the entry. Swt.

I won't post the details of the Redang trip, let's wait for the picture okay? Each of us actually paid for our own selected pictures. You know, so it won't cost so much. By the way, only 5 pathetic us went; it certainly would be more fun if those we asked could join us. Pathetic 5 = Adelia, Kimberly, Sharon, Wei Ling and me. Yea, I'm the only guy there!

Went snorkeling for the first time, was very excited; but the corals were d.e.a.d looking. Huge disappointment. Sat Banana Boat, that was fun except the dropping-into-sea part.

The girls have very detail information about the trip, so I guess you could go over and check it out: - Adelia's - Kim's - Sharon's - Wei Ling's

Free publicity for you girls. Lol.

Oh ya, I got my P license already. Hooray, no? I'm still very the scared to drive. Swt.

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