Thursday, December 20, 2007

Arrghh, it must have been like forever since I last blogged! Hmm, I can't recall everything, but I have pictures to guide me hehe.

Finals ended more than a week already, and I've done LOTS of stuff in the past week. Stuff like going out with friends la, yum cha'ing with friends la and partially painting the apartment.

The so call celebration right after our Psych finals. Presenting to you Look Out Point er somewhere in KL? See, we were happy in the picture hehe. It was fun la. The scene was very nice but not breathtaking, the food wasn't exceptionally good too hehe. Attendees were Michael, Kevin, Ivy, mua, Sharon, Betsy, Ai Li, Priscilla, Mandy! Overall it was fun la~!

Told you right? The nightscape of KL was really cool. We missed the sunset, but this look from the Look Out Point was indeed coool~

And who knows our KL Twin Tower can look so nice hehe.. and these pictures were snapped by the Sailor Gal (who has neither professional picture-taking skills nor a DSLR) in a moving car! Bravo to Ai Li, the Sailor Gal!! Though they were out of proportion, they still look good somehow hehe.

Chu Jie and Wai Yee are back! Wai Yee will be leaving in early January (awww T_T) and Chu Jie will stay till mid February (yayy.. no?). Yum cha session at Starbucks upon Yee's arrival in Tanah Melayu.

Pic taken yesterday, at Sunway Pyramid. Hehe, it was our attempt to beat Bor's Fantastic Four! At least we have a female right? As oppose to the full-male Fantastic Four LoL but we have an oddball though, the one with the back facing us la!! He shall be The Thing!! Yesterday chiong k at Redbox SP was fun. But I'll never go back to Redbox for singing k session, their equipments suck, cacated.. really XD Neway all the way next time hehe. Hope to go with a bigger gang next time!! Kah Yin was busy, Bor Yean was busy, Wai Yee was er.. I don't know and Wei Chern's in the UK~

Aww, Christmas is coming soon already. This is the deco in Sunway Pyramid, part of it lar. I am one happy person hehe.

Okay, the following section has no pics; but some updates about me lar~

I'll be moving to Kepong by the end of this year. Painting is still in progress. I hope my room will turn out okay. I've chosen the colours, hope they match well with each other =D
I can't afford matching furnitures, so I guess it'll be bunch of mismatched furnitures.. for now! I'm so excited already hehe.

Hmm, what more? Oh, I've added back the links section ^-^ It's titled "Humans".

Till next time, be happy! 开心就好~


Anonymous said...

awww.such a decent post.Lol.
I miss hanging out with you wei.
Merry X'mas btw!

Ai said...

Haha, decent post it is!!

Have fun moving and have a Merry Christmas!!!

Boon Woei said...

Thanks girls!!

May all your wishes come true, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
