Finish painting the living room already! The paint job isn't great, the edges are terrible but the colour looks nice. I thought it was nicely done for a first-timer like me. Hehe ^-^
I practically painted the whole "visible" living room, 2 coats somemore (with my bro's help lar...)!! Hehe, maybe I'm exaggerating; but hey, it wasn't as easy as it seemed okay?!
What's left now are my bro's and my room~ I'm still indecisive on the colours though, the main walls will be painted in the shades of blue; but I'm still unsure of the colour for the ceiling! I'll see how it goes la. Nevertheless, it'll be done before 31st of Dec LoL.
It HAS to be done by then wutt, if not we'll have to continue paying the rental for this double storey house!
I'll try to blog and online as much as I can, I won't like get immediate internet access right after I moved in there right? Aww, thank goodness there's still TV! If not, I'll seriously literally grow fungus!!!
Er, I do not know what more to add.. Hmm, erm, I know I have tonnes of things to share, but but I can't seem to put them in proper sentence now LoL
I guess I'll dump in several pictures to end this post!!
Hehe~ Till then, Merry Christmas be-earlied with this deco from The Curve.. I think =D
I hope I can paint my room also lar. Sounds so fun. But I think my dad gonna freak out if i really do. Plus I don't really ever have any room by myself <:(
LoL, it's superbly tiring one ler. Until now still haven't finished painting...
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