Thursday, June 05, 2008

Happy Birthday Ng Ai Li!!!

Thank you very much for inviting me, we all had lots of fun yesterday night right? Surprises after surprises, I bet your jaws are still feeling the numbness now hehe!
And thank you for the treat at Bakerzin, I guess the night must have cost a bomb, like more expensive than real bombs I guess?

Even though Biopsych turned out to be.. tough, but the foods and desserts sure compensated for it!

Yesterday there were few occasions when a camera is needed, I wanted to take out my oh-so high tech 2.0 mega pixels handphone, but then I realize some other rich boys have better gadgets.. So yea, I gave up on that thought lol!
I remember few years back, those times I was always the camera man cause I have this godly 2.0 mega pixels camera phone! Now, everyone and their moms have a digital camera! Haiz!

Don't get me wrong la, I'm actually quite contented with what I have now, compared to those homeless, starving, handicapped and whatnot people. And I still appreciate and cherish my loyal SE K750i ^-^ He has this torchlight function ok, even his brothers also don't have!! Brothers = +50, +60, +100 = 800, 810, 850...

We still have 205 midterm, 205 movie review, 205 essay, 208 essay, 205 finals, 208 finals...
Never mind hehe, let's stay in Lalaland forever for now :D

Have a nice day~

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