Sunday, June 15, 2008

It seems like everyone is working very hard. Working very hard for the TWO major assignments. Two major assignments which weighs 30% each. 30% each is enough to determine between a P and an F.

I still haven't started. I think I'll be so screwed again. Not that I haven't learnt my lesson last semester, I learnt it the hard way! Or was it not hard enough? Must I really get an F before coming to realize how important is Uni?
The midterm result for Biopsych is out already, but I don't know how I did yet. I have a feeling I'll be crushed when I find out tomorrow! Then hopefully and maybe I'll seriously really start on them bloody assignments!

It's so serious that I actually haven't started any research for Biopsych's Precocious Puberty and I have not decided, I repeat, have not decided which topic for Social Psych!

*takes a deep breath*

Today's Father's Day and I have not said "Happy Father's Day" to my dad. Terrible son I know! I just can't seem to say it k! Terrible son!!! The worst thing is, I did not plan to say. Unlike Mother's Day which I couldn't remembered until I met my mom face to face; I actually remember today is Father's Day when I woke up in the morning. But I just couldn't open my mouth. I just could not.

Meh. Just thought of sharing how terrible a son I am. Perhaps few years down the road I'll think differently or something dramatic changes my life; then when I stumbled upon this post, I'll regret not saying it! Aiya!!! Aiya!!!

I'll start my assignments tomorrow... hopefully.

... till then. Hope I don't die a bad death!

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