Monday, February 05, 2007

I got tagged by two people at the same time *.* Will finish the long one first, since it's like 7 times more questions. *blink* *blink* First tag by Wei Ling, here it goes:

1. Are your parents married or divorced?
Married. Don't ever think about divorce ler!

2. Are you a vegetarian?
Nope, I enjoy eating meat. Hehe. Beef, chicken, fish...

3. Do you believe in Heaven?

4. Have you ever come close to dying?
Don't think so. At least not that I could recall.

5. What jewellery do you wear 24/7?
I don't have those hehe. Not even a single accessory.

6. Favourite time of day?
Hmm, not quite sure. I can be "quite nocturnal" when it comes to playing games... maybe night?

7. Do you eat the stems of broccoli?
Yup, but don't really like it.

8. Do you wear makeup?

9. Ever have plastic surgery?
Never, for what? O.O

10. Do you colour your hair?
Nope, thought of, but nah... nope.

11. What do you wear to bed?
Normal shirts and pants lo. I don't fancy pyjamas, hah!

12. Have you ever done anything illegal?
Don't think so quar. Or maybe I've done it, I just don't know that it's illegal? Heh~

13. Can you roll your tongue?
Nope, I can fold though *.*

14. Do you tweeze your eyebrows?
How? Cannot I guess...

15. What kind of sneakers?

16. Do you believe in Abortions?
It's not good... nonetheless, it's still an option for those *ahem* desperate people I think.

17. What is your Hair color?
Black, looks a bit brownish under sunlight and light though. A bit only la.

18. Future child’s name?
Never thought of (I mean I got crap few before, but those aren't for real XD)

19. Do you snore?
Don't think so, no one ever told me I do. So, yeah...

20. If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be?
One of the Seven Wonders of the world with *ahem* someone special.

21. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
Nope, I used to though; stuffed bear; stuffed elephant. But they are a source of heat in a non-air-conditioned room! Seriously!

22. If you won the lottery, what would you do first?
Probably shop a bit for expensive stuff, then keep some in the bank. That, is very much dependent on the amount won *giggle*

23. Gold or silver?
Silver. I mean gold is so goldish you know, a bit ancient lolz. Silver for the win, I have neither btw.

24. Hamburger or hot dog?
Hamburger. Nuff said!

25. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Probably same with Wei Ling, I mean "my mother's cooking". She can cook quite a lot of food hehe.

26. City, beach or country?
Most likely city, can't live without the technology and the "updateness". You know, not so ulu~

27. What was the last thing you touched?
Optical mouse and keyboard... still touching now le.

28. Where did you eat last?
Ramli's burger near a petrol station. I mean I don't eat there, I just bought the burger.

29. When’s the last time you cried?
Forgot liao lo. Wanted to cry when I was "surprised" cause I was really touched...

30. Do you read blogs?
Yesh! I even have them blogs under "Favorites".

31. Would you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex?
Never. What for le?

32. Ever been involved with the police?
Nope. Or maybe not yet~

33. What’s your favourite shampoo conditioner and soap?
I don't use shampoo conditioner (hence, dry hair!)... I don't use soap too!

34. Do you talk in your sleep?
Nope I guess... I won't know unless someone tells me.

35. Ocean or pool?
Pool. Ocean is a bit scary.

36. So, who has the original missing questions?

37. Who would you take on a ménage à trois for a dirty weekend?
Just checked out the meaning. Nope, I won't.

38. Window seat or aisle?
Window seat eventhough I have fear of heights! Really @.@

39. Ever met anyone famous?
Met quite a few local artists, but that's all...

40. Do you feel that you’ve had a truly successful life?
Nope, but I'm quite happy with my life now. Okay-okay la.

41. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?

42. Ricki Lake or Oprah Winfrey?
Oprah cause I don't know who is this Ricki Lake...

43. Basketball or Football?
If I have to choose, Basketball. If not, neither.

44. How long do your showers last?
15 minutes I think.

45. Automatic or do you drive a stick?
I don't drive yet, hopefully sooooon. Hehe, auto lor~

46. Cake or ice cream?
Depends lo, cause I like BOTH! Yesh!

47. Are you self-conscious?
Think so... think so only la...

48. Have you ever drank so much you threw up?

49. Have you ever given money to a beggar?
Yup, but quite long liao. Somemore is my baba told me to de.

50. Have you been in love?
Think got quar, but those secretly admire only de. Haven't been into a relationship, hah!

51. Where do you wish you were?
On my bed spacing out and day-dreaming...

52. Are you wearing socks?
Nope. Seldom.

53. Have you ever ridden in an ambulance?
No, I don't wish to~

54. Can you tango?
Certainly not, I'm starting to think that I've no sense of rhythm. Can't dance.

55. Last gift you received?
A SEED shirt from my friends. Hehe =D

56. Last sport you played?
I don't do sports... not at all.

57. Things you spend a lot of money on?

58. Where do you live?

59. Where were you born?
Some Taiping hospital.

60. Last wedding attended?
Can't really remember, I think it was my uncle's wedding seven+ years ago... lol... so long...

61. Spit or swallow?
I refuse to answer this.

62. Favorite position?

63. Most hated food(s)?
Fat food~ You know, the fat oil, fat layer of meat and all those.

64. What’s your least fav.?

65. Can you sing?
Yesh, I can... but don't know nice or not. Hehe.

66. Last person you instant messaged?
Sharon lo, asking where are them (Jie Ying, Sharon herself and Wei Ling)...

67. Last place you went on holiday?

68. Favourite regular drink?
Ice Lemon Tea? Don't know le.

69. Current Song?
Not playing any...

70. Tag 3 friends: Betz, Chu Jie, Kim Choo...

Next tag by Min Huei! His homemade tag, but a bit deep la. So if got any mistakes, DO NOT laugh. Well, I won't know if you do, meh~

1. The superstition that is most superstitious to you although some people seem to hold this superstition so super superstitiously strict:
The one where you can't sweep your floor before Chinese New Year or was it during? Don't know la, but I'm quite pantang about that one lor. Maybe kena trained since young liao.

2. The kind of people who will just make you turn away, regardless of how much you tell yourself to love people with compassion, or to eliminate from your conscious egotistical prejudices:
Hmm, don't know le... Weird people I guess? Weird in my own definition of course. "Weird" is a bit vague though. Oh I know! People with body odour? Those really serious ones heh!

3. The food that you will eat even though you are having a chronic throat infection and an extreme secretion of mucus and unsightly phlegm:
Pizza? Sushi? Ice-cream? I think I will eat anything la hehe, but sure got control a bit if I really have those severe conditions omg. Chronic throat...

4. The first thing that will come to your mind when someone tells you that he/she had sex before:
"Orh~" then probably remain silent for a moment. Speechless.

5. When people say you're fat, you take that statement as:
Err, okay quar. Somewhat true lo, cause I think I'm a bit fat also hehe. Cause I don't exercise, really I don't~

6. If you can wish for any one form of supernatural powers, what would it be?
Ish, ONE only? Hmm, can't think of ONE now, cause I had lots of supernatural powers that I wish to have! Err... hmm... Teleportation I think, so you know, I can teleport around -_-

7. You have 1 wish, but it must be wished for something bad (ethically, morally and subjectively). What would you wish for?
I would wish for death of those bad people... you know criminals and what not. It's bad in the sense I can't just simply takes lives of people right? And judge who should live and who shouldn't, I mean I don't have the power to. Something like what happened in Death Note, quite subjective lo

8. If you could have the ability to play any musical instruments, which one would you want to master in particular?
The Gu Zheng. The one in Kung Fu Hustle ler. Then after mastering the instrument, maybe I can start firing swords and chi from my Gu Zheng. Muahahahaha~

9. Suggest a beautiful movie for beautiful people to beautifully watch.
I don't know ler~ I don't watch enough movie of this genre o.O

10. What is your hypothesized definition of 'missive' without checking the dictionary?
Missive as in missing? Miss a lot? Lol, don't know what I crap la~

11. Tag others.
Chu Jie, Sharon, Wei Ling

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