Thursday, October 23, 2008

I took 2 hours to reach home today; it wasn't all bad, that 2 hours actually include a dinner alone at KL Central's McDonald's. Lol.

I know that you know that the public transport in our country isn't the most efficient (if at all); I waited approximately 45 minutes for the bus and to no avail, it didn't turn up.

Then how I got home? Hah, this is something I wanna share :D

I don't know if you know that there are special van services provided in the bus stop along Jalan Dungun. The very same bus stop in which one can wait for the U82 bus. Apparently, these special van services are quite popular among the working people in that area; while popular among the working adults, we students can actually take them too! I boarded one just now hehe, my second time.

The reasons why they are popular (I chatted with an aunty in the van lol, I'm coming to this later...):
- they are WAAAY frequent than the U82 buses; in the 45 mins I waited, there were at least 10 vans. You can argue that vans are way smaller than buses, therefore picking lesser passengers at a time. Truth be told, in the 45 mins I observed, the vans easily picked up close to 100 people with about 10 people per trip per van.
- they are more comfortable than the buses, no need to tuna-cram or tuna-stuck. There is NO WAY you can argue about this, comfortable seats > tuna cans. Period.
- they are cheaper, cost RM1.80 per ride; you can argue that it's more expensive in the long run if you were to have the U82 bus ticket earlier (which entitles one to ride on all "U" buses whole day for a RM2 ticket) but I did not take the U82 prior to this, so yea, pretty reasonable priced!

There you go, my analysis on the special van services :D
Just sharing, just in case students are not aware they could make use of this to save loads of time. If I wasn't so stubborn, I would have boarded an earlier van and saved tonnes of time!
Well, they appear to be very suspiciously fishy at first (imagine being kidnapped and sold to some country -_-); I am still pretty much amazed how I could be so brave to board on it the first time (weeks back...).
If given the opportunity, I'll just hop on to the vans the next time I need to get an U82 bus. Lol!

Next part, about the chatting-with-aunty-in-van part; I realized that people are generally kinda nice if you're nice to them. Kinda like a reciprocal act.. Well, I admit it is much dependent on who you talk to too lol.
Maybe I was lucky today, and managed to bump into all nice people:
- a nice Malay kakak who told me about the van's fare; I know the amount though, just wanna double check heh.
- a friendly Chinese aunty who chatted in the van with me; about public transports and tertiary education lol!
- a weirded (weirded because she had the wtf look when I approached her, nevertheless still nice lah) Indian aunty who showed me the way to KL Central, the van stopped at some unknown side/part of KL Central, so I had to walk like 1 minute to the station!

Wah, one shot three encounters with all three races in Malaysia! I think people generally do not like nor dislike people in general, pretty neutral. And if you're nice to people, it only makes sense for people to be nice to you. There are, however, some people who are just asses. Yes, asses, they probably came out the wrong way during the give birth process. Lol, j/k.

This, reminded me of some asses we met today at Setapak, some foul-mouthed uncivilised UTAR students. Okay, we were probably at the wrong side, blocking the road; but hor, there was certainly no need to curse us until like their mothers are more expensive than our mothers! Well, you get the drill, everyone's mothers were brought up, combination of private parts and adjectives... and stuff.
They were honking like mad cow too, freaked the daylight out of Kong and I ler! Thank goodness Yeo was there, hehe; thank you Yeo :P

There you go, my lengthy wordy daily encounters! I suddenly felt very inspired to type a lot lol; see, one can learn a lot in daily lives if one just pay enough attention :)

Thank you for reading :D

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